展会时间:2014年12月15-18日 展会地点:新德里印度展览中心
组 委 会:印度宝马展览公司/慕尼黑展览集团/北美设备制造商协会 展会周期:两年一届
挖掘机 挖沟机 钻车 装载机 凿岩机 破碎机 压缩机 锚固钻机 潜孔钻机 非开挖导向钻机 冲击式钻机 运输车 推土机 铲运机 平地机 压管机 冷轧机修复机 液压机 钢架管调直机 气动搅拌机 气动剪切工具 气动马达 高压注油器 车载泵 混凝土搅拌机 混凝土搅拌楼(站) 混凝土搅拌运输车 混凝土布料杆 装修升降机械 泥浆泵 抹平机 涂料喷涂泵 电动工具 桩机 柴油打桩锤 液压剪 桩机 钻孔机平地机 摊铺机 扫路车 划线车 压路机 夯实机 震动夯 碾压机 汽车起重机 卷扬机 龙门吊 高空作业平台 清障车 洒水车 清洗机 喷洒车 消防车 建筑用车辆 矿用车拖车 内燃平衡式叉车 三向堆垛叉车 柴油发电机组 空气压缩机 发动机及其零部件 制动系统 变速器 悬挂系统 驱动桥 各种配件电器配件及其总成 液压密封配件及其总成检测维修设备及其配件 汽车用配件 行进支重件 建筑机械及工程机械配件。各类零配件、附加产品如轮胎等工程矿业安全防护、矿井照明设备等。安全劳保用品。矿山服务及相关。各类零配件、附加产品如轮胎等
bc india moves to delhi
new event venue is the india expo centre in greater noida / delhiin total, 170,000 square meters of exhibition space is availablethe third bc india takes place from december 15 to 18, 2014following two successful events held in mumbai the bauma conexpo show – bc india is moving to greater noida, near to india’s capital of delhi. the upcoming third edition of this "international trade fair for construction machinery, building material machines, mining machines and construction vehicles" is scheduled for december 15 to 18, 2014 in the india expo centre in greater noida, near delhi. in total, 170,000 square meters of exhibition space will be available to the event at this venue.
the exhibition center in greater noida, close to delhi, provides both exhibitors and visitors with a significantly improved infrastructure in comparison to the provisional open-air space at the bandra kurla complex in mumbai: the india expo centre not only has fully equipped exhibition space, it also has a business and conference center, a press center and catering facilities.thomas löffler, chief executive officer of the show organizer bc expo india pvt. ltd., is satisfied with the move: “we are looking forward to the india expo centre as the event venue for bc india. we can offer our exhibitors a total of 28,000 square meters of modern indoor exhibition space and 142,000 square meters of presentation space outdoors. this will help bc india become an even more professional trade platform.”
the move to the new location also involves a shift in the dates for the show: from the february in odd-numbered years, to the december in even-numbered years. this also caters to the wishes of many companies for wider spacing within the trade-show calendar. amit gossain, vice president marketing & business development with jcb, states: “it’s good to see bc india shifting to north india where so far there is no large construction equipment exhibition. the noida expo centre is a good centre for world class exhibitions and the customers will enjoy the facilities. being close to delhi, government buyers will also take great interest in visiting the exhibition.”
anand sundaresan, vice chairman and managing director of schwing stetter (india) pvt. ltd., sees the choice of the new site and the dates as very positive: “i am pleased to learn that the next bc india will be held at delhi. i feel it is a good decision to go to delhi, and to have the fair in december. it is the ideal month for conducting the fair as the climate in delhi would be pleasant and make the fair an enjoyable event.”
for the participants in bc india, delhi in the north of india offers many opportunities and great business potential, something which is underlined by ramesh palagiri, managing director & ceo of wirtgen india private ltd.: “we are very happy with the decision to hold the next bc india in the northern part of india at greater noida near new delhi. new delhi is a good location considering that maximum number of infrastructure projects are coming up in this part of the country. also all our customers visit new delhi for meeting their clients and they can combine their visit to the exhibition.”
for further information, go to: www.bcindia.com
about the bauma conexpo show – bc india
the bauma conexpo show – bc india, international trade fair for construction machinery, building material machines, mining machines and construction vehicles, takes place from december 15 to 18, 2014 at the india expo centre in greater noida / delhi. the last event in february 2013 in mumbai attracted a total of 710 companies from 33 countries and more than 28,000 trade visitors. after two successful events in mumbai, bc india is moving to delhi for its next show.
messe münchen international
messe münchen international is one of the world’s leading trade-show companies. it organizes around 40 trade shows for capital and consumer goods, and key high-tech industries. each year over 30,000 exhibitors and over two million visitors take part in the events at the messe münchen exhibition center, the icm – internationales congress center münchen and the moc veranstaltungscenter münchen. the leading international trade fairs of messe münchen international are all fkm-certified, i.e. exhibitor and visitor numbers and the figures for exhibition space are collected in line with agreed standards and independently audited on behalf of the fkm (gesellschaft zur freiwilligen kontrolle von messe- und ausstellungszahlen), a society for the voluntary monitoring of fair and exhibition statistics. in addition, messe münchen international organizes trade shows in asia, russia, the middle east and south africa. with nine associated companies abroad – in europe and in asia – and over 60 foreign representatives actively serving over 90 countries, messe münchen international has a worldwide business network. the group also takes a pioneering role as regards sustainability: it is the first trade-fair company to be awarded energy-efficiency certification from the technical inspection authorities tüv süd.
北京伊森斯展览有限公司网 站:www.essencecorp.net
地 址:北京海淀区西四环北路160号玲珑天地写字楼a区409 100083
电 话:010-57151469 邮 件:essencefairs@163.com 传 真:010-88504010
联系人:王瑄13381411642 q q:1227389083 msn: shelleywang@msn.cn
亚 洲
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2014.12.15-18 2014年印度宝马展 新德里 两年一届
非 洲
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2014.11.21-25 2014年阿尔及利亚工程机械展 阿尔及尔国际展览中心 一年一届
欧 洲
2014.5.14-16 第18届俄罗斯国际矿业展 俄罗斯莫斯科crocus展览馆 一年一届
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2014.6.3-6 2014年第13届俄罗斯新库兹涅斯克国际煤矿展 新库兹涅茨克市yarmarka展览中心 一年一届
14.11.29-12.2 第6届土耳其国际矿业展 伊斯坦布尔市tüyap展览中心 两年一届
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